Instead of sending your old, functional printer to the curb to become waste, consider donating it instead!
When you donate your printer, you are providing schools, low-income families, and non-profit organizations with the equipment they may not be able to otherwise afford.
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that electronics waste makes up approximately one percent on the municipal waste stream, and is expected to grow at three times the rate of other municipal wastes as time goes on. You can help change that by donating your printer and other electronics hardware.
You can find locations to donate your printer by visiting the following sites:
Pickup Please Organization
Pickup Please Organization allows you to schedule online a pickup for items that you wish to donate to Vietnam Veterans of the US. The good news is that your donations would be tax deductible.
Computers with Causes
Computers with Causes allows you to donate your used printers, tablets, laptops and gadgets (including printers) to their partnered nonprofit organizations. Your donation also makes it eligible for tax deduction.
FreeCycle Organization
In FreeCycle Organization, you can sign up to offer your old printer to be given away. You can also browse groups based on locations near you who wants a printer. This way, equipment do not end up in dump sites.
National Cristina Foundation
This foundation has a technology donation platform where you can enter your ZIP code and it will give a list of organizations needing a printer from within 50 miles radius.
e-Stewards has a Digital Equity Program where businesses can form a partnership with. In this program, e-Stewards refurbishes donated old printers and gives them to low-income communities. To contact them, email them at
Dell Reconnect
Dell Reconnect partners with Goodwill where it lets you find a Goodwill near you to donate your old printer to.
ReConnect is a partnership between Dell and Goodwill NNE based on northern New England. They refurbishes used printers and sell them in affordable prices in Goodwill retail stores.
e-Bay for Charity
e-Bay for Charity allows you to sell your used printer and have 10% or more of your profit donated to your chosen charity.
EALGreen accepts surplus goods from companies and corporations which are then distributed to colleges and universities.
Aside from printers, cartridges can also be donated, sold or recycled. You can recycle cartridges in several ways. Learn more steps from our step-by-step guide.
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